Study meaning in Marathi

Abhyaas - अभ्यास


Welcome to Marathi Word of the Day!

Learn new Marathi word, its meaning, and how you can use it in everyday conversations.

Word of the day:

Today's word is Abhyaas (अभ्यास), which means study or practice in Marathi. Pronounced as ab-hyaa-s, this word is useful when talking about the importance of learning, working hard, or repeating an activity to improve. It’s a crucial word for learners and professionals alike.

Word breakdown: 

Pronunciation: (ab-hyaa-s)
Meaning: Study, practice, or preparation

Where to use it:

You can use Abhyaas in a variety of contexts, from discussing academic studies to practicing a skill. Whether you’re talking about preparing for exams, honing a talent, or improving through repetition, Abhyaas is the word you need.

5 Usage sentences: 

  • माझा अभ्यास खूप चांगला चालला आहे.
    (Maazha abhyaas khoop changla chaalala aahe.) – My studies are going very well.

  • तुला परीक्षेसाठी अभ्यास करायला पाहिजे.
    (Tula parikshesathi abhyaas karayla pahije.) – You should study for your exam.

  • योगाचा नियमित अभ्यास करा.
    (Yogacha niyamit abhyaas kara.) – Practice yoga regularly.

  • अभ्यासाने माणूस परिपूर्ण होतो.
    (Abhyaasane maanoos paripurna hoto.) – Practice makes a person perfect.

  • तिचा गणिताचा अभ्यास खूप जोरात आहे.
    (Ticha ganitacha abhyaas khoop jorat aahe.) – Her math practice is going great.

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Did you know?

Abhyaas comes from the Sanskrit root meaning to repeatedly move toward a goal. It’s not just limited to formal education but also applies to practicing any skill, from sports to arts to mindfulness. In Marathi culture, Abhyaas emphasizes the value of consistent effort and dedication.

Tip of the day:

If you're working on mastering something, whether it's a language or a new skill, make Abhyaas a part of your daily routine. Set aside time to practice regularly, and you’ll see improvement over time!

You can modify Abhyaas to describe specific types of study or practice. For example:

  • Pustak Abhyaas (पुस्तक अभ्यास) – Book study

  • Sangeet Abhyaas (संगीत अभ्यास) – Music practice
    Use these variations to be more specific about what you're practicing.

Your practice challenge:

Use the word Abhyaas when discussing your learning or practice routine today. Whether it’s preparing for an exam, learning a new skill, or practicing something you love, share your experiences with others.

Let me know how incorporating Abhyaas went!

“Marathi word of the Day” was started with only one initiative which is to help Non-Marathi people to know more about the language.

With love,