Food item meaning in Marathi

Padhartha - पदार्थ


Welcome to Marathi Word of the Day!

Learn new Marathi word, its meaning, and how you can use it in everyday conversations.

Word of the day:

Today’s word is Padhartha (पदार्थ), which translates to substance, item, or material in English. Pronounced pa-dhaar-tha, it’s commonly used to refer to food items, substances, or materials, making it a practical word for daily use.

Word breakdown: 

Pronunciation: (pa-dhaar-tha)
Meaning: Item, Material, Food item, or Substance

Where to use it:

Use Padhartha when discussing food items, ingredients, or any tangible materials. It’s especially common in culinary contexts but also extends to general conversations about items or substances.

5 Usage sentences: 

  • हॉटेलमध्ये विविध पदार्थ मिळतात.
    (Hotelmadhe vividha padhartha miltat.) – A variety of items are available at the hotel.

  • तुला कोणता पदार्थ जास्त आवडतो?
    (Tula konta padhartha jast aavadto?) – Which dish do you like the most?

  • हा पदार्थ पौष्टिक आहे.
    (Ha padhartha poushtik aahe.) – This item is nutritious.

  • रसायनशास्त्रात वेगवेगळ्या पदार्थांचा अभ्यास होतो.
    (Rasayanshastrat vegvegalya padharthancha abhyas hoto.) – Chemistry involves the study of different substances.

  • पदार्थ बनवण्यासाठी चांगले घटक वापरा.
    (Padhartha banvanyasathi changle ghatak vapra.) – Use good ingredients to prepare the dish.

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Did you know?

In Marathi, Padhartha is a versatile term. While it’s often associated with food, it also extends to scientific and philosophical discussions. In Indian philosophy, Padhartha can refer to the fundamental elements or entities in the universe.

Tip of the day:

Practice using Padhartha when talking about meals, recipes, or even scientific experiments. The word’s flexibility allows you to apply it in various contexts, from casual conversations to technical discussions.

Combine Padhartha with adjectives to describe specifics:

  • मिठाचा पदार्थ (Mithacha padhartha) – A salty item

  • गोड पदार्थ (God padhartha) – A sweet dish

  • रासायनिक पदार्थ (Rasayanik padhartha) – A chemical substance

These combinations will enrich your Marathi vocabulary further.

Your practice challenge:

Identify three Padhartha (items) you use or consume daily, and describe them in Marathi.

For example, share a favorite recipe or talk about a specific substance/material you’ve recently encountered.

“Marathi word of the Day” was started with only one initiative which is to help Non-Marathi people to know more about the language.

With love,