Letter meaning in Marathi

Patra - पत्र


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Word of the day:

Today's word is Patra (पत्र), which means Letter in Marathi. Pronounced pa-tra, this word is commonly used to refer to a written message, typically sent by mail or hand-delivered. While letters are often seen as formal, Patra can also be used in casual settings when referring to personal notes or messages.

Word breakdown: 

Pronunciation: (pa-tra)
Meaning: Letter

Where to use it:

Patra is used when talking about letters, whether it’s formal correspondence or a personal note. You can use this word to describe written communication in both professional and casual contexts.

5 Usage sentences: 

  • मी तिला पत्र लिहिलं आहे.
    (Mi tila patra lihila aahe.) – I have written a letter to her.

  • तुला माझं पत्र मिळालं का?
    (Tula majha patra milala ka?) – Did you receive my letter?

  • तुमचं पत्र खूप छान होतं.
    (Tumcha patra khup chhaan hota.) – Your letter was very nice.

  • मी पत्र पोस्टात टाकलं आहे.
    (Mi patra postat taakla aahe.) – I have posted the letter.

  • तू मला पत्र लिहावं अशी माझी इच्छा आहे.
    (Tu mala patra lihava ashi majhi iccha aahe.) – I wish you would write me a letter.

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Did you know?

In traditional Marathi culture, Patra was one of the most common ways of communicating over long distances before the advent of telephones and the internet. Even today, writing a letter holds a special place, symbolizing thoughtful and personal communication.

Tip of the day:

Try using Patra when referring to any kind of written message. If you're learning Marathi, practice writing a short letter or note to a friend or family member. It’s a great way to improve your writing skills while learning new vocabulary.

In formal settings, you can say:

  • औपचारिक पत्र (Aupacharik patra) – Formal letter
    This is useful in professional contexts, such as sending official letters or business correspondence.

Your practice challenge:

Write a short Patra today, whether it's a thank-you note or a casual message to someone.

Practice using the word Patra in both writing and conversation to make it a part of your everyday Marathi communication.

“Marathi word of the Day” was started with only one initiative which is to help Non-Marathi people to know more about the language.

With love,