Road meaning in Marathi

Rasta - रस्ता


Welcome to Marathi Word of the Day!

Learn new Marathi word, its meaning, and how you can use it in everyday conversations.

Word of the day:

Today's word is Rasta (रस्ता), which means Road or Path in Marathi. Pronounced ra-staa, this word is essential for everyday conversations, especially for asking directions or describing locations. Learning Rasta will help you navigate Marathi-speaking areas more confidently.

Word breakdown: 

Pronunciation: (ra-staa)
Meaning: Road, Path

Where to use it:

Rasta can be used to refer to a road, street, or path. It’s a practical word to know when giving or receiving directions, whether you're talking about city streets or rural paths.

5 Usage sentences: 

  • हा रस्ता कुठे जातो?
    (Ha rasta kuthe jato?) – Where does this road go?

  • शाळेला जाणारा रस्ता सोपा आहे.
    (Shalela janara rasta sopa aahe.) – The road to the school is easy.

  • तुम्ही कोणत्या रस्त्यावर आहात?
    (Tumhi kontya rastyavar aahat?) – Which road are you on?

  • हा रस्ता खूप गर्दीचा असतो.
    (Ha rasta khup gardicha asto.) – This road is very crowded.

  • नवीन रस्ता तयार झाला आहे.
    (Naveen rasta tayar jhala aahe.) – A new road has been built.

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Did you know?

In Marathi, Rasta is often used not only to describe physical paths but also metaphorically to describe one's journey or direction in life. For example, Yashacha rasta (यशाचा रस्ता) means the "path to success."

Tip of the day:

Use Rasta to make travel-related sentences in Marathi. Whether you’re asking for directions or describing a route, Rasta is essential for conversational fluency when discussing locations.

You can pair Rasta with location-specific words to create more detailed sentences:

  • मुख्य रस्ता (Mukhya rasta) – Main road

  • बाजूचा रस्ता (Bajucha rasta) – Side road
    These phrases are useful for talking about primary or secondary roads in a specific area.

Your practice challenge:

Today, try using Rasta whenever you discuss directions or locations with someone.

Notice how easily it helps you navigate and describe routes in Marathi conversations.

“Marathi word of the Day” was started with only one initiative which is to help Non-Marathi people to know more about the language.

With love,