Solution meaning in Marathi

Upay - उपाय


Welcome to Marathi Word of the Day!

Learn new Marathi word, its meaning, and how you can use it in everyday conversations.

Word of the day:

Today's word is Upay (उपाय), which means Solution in Marathi. Pronounced oo-pai, this word is useful when discussing resolutions to problems or finding ways to overcome challenges. Whether you're brainstorming ideas or solving an issue, Upay is a crucial word to know in Marathi conversations.

Word breakdown: 

Pronunciation: (oo-pai)
Meaning: Solution

Where to use it:

You can use Upay in any situation where you’re discussing solutions or fixes to problems, whether they’re personal, professional, or general challenges. It's relevant in both casual and formal contexts.

5 Usage sentences: 

  • तुमच्याकडे याचा काही उपाय आहे का?
    (Tumchyakade yacha kahi upay aahe ka?) – Do you have a solution for this?

  • हा सर्वात चांगला उपाय आहे.
    (Ha sarvaat changla upay aahe.) – This is the best solution.

  • तुमच्या समस्येचा उपाय मिळाला आहे.
    (Tumchya samasyaacha upay milala aahe.) – A solution to your problem has been found.

  • मी अजून उपाय शोधत आहे.
    (Mi ajun upay shodhat aahe.) – I am still looking for a solution.

  • या समस्येवर त्वरित उपाय हवा आहे.
    (Ya samasyewar tvarit upay hava aahe.) – We need an immediate solution to this problem.

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Did you know?

In Marathi culture, Upay is often connected to practical wisdom, suggesting that every problem has a solution if approached with the right mindset. The term is frequently used in both everyday conversations and professional scenarios, highlighting its versatility.

Tip of the day:

Practice using Upay when discussing solutions, not just for problems but also for suggestions and ideas that could improve a situation. Whether you're in a meeting or chatting with friends, use Upay to sound more confident and fluent.

In formal contexts, you can say:

  • सर्वसमावेशक उपाय (Sarvasamaveshak upay) – Comprehensive solution
    This is especially useful in professional or complex discussions, where you are talking about an all-encompassing solution.

Your practice challenge:

Today, whenever you talk about resolving an issue or finding answers, make sure to use the word Upay.

You can discuss possible solutions with friends or write down solutions to any problems you're facing, helping solidify your use of the word.

“Marathi word of the Day” was started with only one initiative which is to help Non-Marathi people to know more about the language.

With love,